Recognizing and rewarding kindness.
BonafideU Foundation Brochure
The movement begins with BonafideU.
In the midst of our nation’s staggering decline of civility, the mission of the BonafideU Foundation is to promote positive actions and change attitudes about civility and the role it plays in developing successful people and a peaceful society. By reinforcing the right behavior with the right words and giving a voice to the right storytellers, we can make civility cool. With the BonafideU Foundation working as the backbone behind our collective impact, a kinder, more compassionate world is achievable through the awesome power of storytelling, the sweeping virility of social media and Generation Z’s insatiable drive to change the world.
Honor someone who makes you feel like you matter.
BonafideU Kindness Scholarships
The unique part of the Kindness Scholarships is that you nominate someone else and split the scholarship!
To apply:
Submit a short essay (500 word maximum) explaining how the person you are nominating as demonstrated extraordinary kindness, brought people together or made someone feel like they matter. Include a picture of you and the person you are nominating.
Becoming part of the collective impact.
The goal of the BonafideU Foundation is to serve as the backbone organization in this unique kindness movement. The approach calls for multiple organizations or entities from different sectors to work on a common agenda, shared measurement, and alignment of effort. Unlike collaboration or partnership, collective impact initiatives rely on a central infrastructure-known as a backbone organization-with dedicated staff whose role is to help participating organizations work together. The movement to inspire a kinder more peaceful world requires participation from several places. It starts with Generation Z, the young, digital natives with a desire to create change. But it also takes the cooperation and generosity of deployment and media parters, as well as community sponsors. Together we can make a positive impact.
Capitalizing on the power of social media, motivated storytellers, and collective impact, the BonafideU movement empowers young people to recognize acts of kindness and rewards those acts with meaningful scholarships, wearable statements of the brand, and social esteem through a youth-driven movement.
Validation is motivation.
The most effective behavior management technique is the easiest to implement. “Catch ’em being good.” Research shows that the quicker and most effective way to promote the display of appropriate behavior is to reward it.
We all like to have our efforts acknowledged and will show more of that behavior if it brings us reward. But it’s more than just classical conditioning. It’s also human nature to want to please people who recognize our efforts. BonafideU is a movement that does exactly that.
Honor someone who makes you feel like you matter.